Happiness Audit
Most CEO positions do not come with a job description, a performance review, or even a means of measurement. A Happiness Audit can help gauge your company morale and corporate culture.
Unlike subordinate jobs, no one tells the Chief Executive how he or she is doing. Do managers let their CEO know when they’ve miscalculated an effort, made a poor decision, or had a misstep in communication? Not likely. Even when asked for candid feedback, an employee would restrict criticism for obvious reasons.
While for some organizations the Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the CEO, they are often removed from day-to-day actions. Sure the effectiveness of the position can be evaluated over time, but that is largely from a big picture perspective and not necessarily indicative of the CEO’s daily behavior. Lacking this insider’s purview is critical, not only important to the shareprice, but to the company culture – which could arguably be more important in the long run.
The job description for the CEO’s should include setting strategy and vision, building culture, leading the executive management team, and allocating capital. While the last is easy to measure, the less tangible tasking is more complex and often difficult to gauge. An effective CEO sets out with intention to design the company culture and infuse happiness among the most important asset, the team. Not only does the CEO need to have a clear and meaningful vision, that vision needs to be articulated across all command chains within the organization. When the vision is well communicated within the company, the team understands how their role supports that vision, and is empowered with the knowledge that they are contributing. We believe this sense of fulfillment and empowerment is at the root of workplace happiness.
Culture building is subtle, and it starts at the very top. Much of the essence of a company can be directly attributed to the passion, compassion, work ethic, and values of the CEO. Listening to your employees can be a powerful tool in understanding the culture that has been established. Surveys and querying your team with open-ended questions may be an appropriate means to understanding these responses. Are you fostering the culture you intended? Has the vision has been successfully communicated?
When 95% of your workforce says they can’t wait to get to work, something is going right. If people rarely leave, and it is easy to attract top talent, a healthy and happy workplace is likely the culprit. At CFOSP, we put the highest value on company culture and believe strongly in honoring the lives of our employees. It is at the root of everything we do. In fact, our business model has been built around the very concept of work/life balance which is reflected in our mission statement…”to enrich lives.”
We recently set out to measure the health of our company with a culture survey. Click here to see the results of our 2015 CFOSP Happiness Audit. If you would like to conduct your own culture assessment, send us a quick email to admin@cfosp.com to request the Happiness Evaluation Model for your internal audit.